What If You Needed Assistance for Yourself:
Long-term care refers to a variety of services designed to help people perform some of the functions of day-to-day living and to help them remain independent. Some long-term care is aimed at providing help for people with chronic illness, or a cognitive impairment, such as dementia. Other long-term care services may be rehabilitative, as in helping someone regain function after a serious injury.
These services can be provided in a variety of settings. While families still provide most of the long-term care in the home, it can be provided in the community in adult day centers, assisted living (sometimes called residential care) facilities, or in nursing homes.
Now is the time to consider preparing a plan for long term care. With a long term care plan, you canminimize the financial risk associated with extended care and relieve the burden of uncertainty for yourself and your loved ones. One of the options to consider may be long term care insurance (LTCI). Should you come to need daily assistance, LTCI can help cover expenses of nursing homes, assisted living facilities, or even home health care. You may find that such coverage allows you to remain independent, while also increasing your options for care.
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